[[en]]We teach meditation[[zh]]我們提供的禪修指引課程
[[en]]We guide retreats[[zh]]我們的閉關計劃
[[en]]We teach meditation[[zh]]我們提供的禪修指引課程
[[en]]We teach meditation[[zh]]我們提供的禪修指引課程
[[en]]We teach yoga[[zh]]我們的瑜伽課程
[[en]]We support schools[[zh]]我們的學府贊助計劃
[[en]]Protect environment[[zh]]我們的環保計劃
[[en]]We teach yoga[[zh]]我們的瑜伽課程
[[en]]We support Schools[[zh]]我們的學府贊助計劃
[[en]]We Teach Yoga[[zh]]我們的瑜伽課程
[[en]]We support Schools[[zh]]我們的學府贊助計劃
[[en]]We teach psychology[[zh]]我們的心理學課程
[[en]]We teach yoga[[zh]]我們的瑜伽課程
[[en]]We guide pilgrimages[[zh]]我們的朝聖計劃
[[en]]We guide retreats[[zh]]我們的閉關計劃
[[en]]We teach meditation[[zh]]我們提供的禪修指引課程
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[[en]]We Teach[[zh]]我們教



[[en]]We Guide[[zh]]我們指導




[[en]]We  Care Orphans[[zh]]我們照顧孤兒

[[en]]We Support School[[zh]]我們支持學校



[[zh]]般若林乃護持正信佛法、弘揚佛陀教育的佛教道場,在孜孜不倦於維護及弘揚佛陀正法的 當兒,也回應世俗世界的諸種需求,以出世的胸懷來奉行入世救濟群生的大悲行願。般若林為大眾及信徒提供了禪修課程、佛法研修/講習班、佛學講座、佛教研討會等等佛法教育活動,以期達到淨化社會人心、啟迪人文關懷、鼓吹慈悲為懷等等之普世道德及價值觀;並也發心在環保方面盡心盡力去保護我們的大地之母及整個地球村![[en]]Palri-ling is a Buddhist organization offering the Buddha’s teachings in a way that honors the authentic tradition and that responds to the needs of our community in the present moment. Palri-ling’s meditation courses, Buddhist teachings, and seminars aim to promote qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in the world, and to respect the environment.

[[en]]See more[[zh]]查看更多

[[zh]]我們的宏願[[en]]Our Vision:


[[en]]Palri-Ling offers counseling and meditation programs in prisons help alleviate suffering and help those who are incarcerated.[[zh]]般若林孜孜不倦地在監獄中舉辦及提供諸如:心理咨詢、禪修課程和佛法講座等等的身心靈活動。我們期望邀請更多的堪布、喇嘛和佛教老師來加入我們在這一重要領域的工作。

[[en]]latest news[[zh]]最新消息

Meditation is a method to develop beneficial states of mind. We do this by repeatedly generating certain mental states until they become a habit. Physically, meditation has been shown to actually build up new neural pathways.

[[EN]]yoga [[ZH]]瑜伽                      

‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘to join, unite or yoke together’, and the essential purpose of yoga is to bring together body, mind and spirit into a harmonious whole.  If you are looking for a more flexible, strong, capable body and a clear, positive heart and mind then yoga is for you. It’s a great form of exercise that will improve your fitness,

[[en]]Tsu-zhi School [[zh]]

[[en]]Today, students learn to read and write at Tsu-zhi school. They study Buddhist scriptures, as well as the skills needed in their traditional environs. “Tzu-zhi” (meaning Loving Kindness and Wisdom) School is the first educational institution in the region.[[zh]]今天,學生們在慈智學校學習讀寫。他們學習佛教經典,以及在傳統環境中所需的技能。"慈智"(意為愛與智慧)學校是該地區第一所教育機構。

[[EN]]Frequently Asked Questions[[ZH]]經常問的問題


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, this is a link adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et this is a link magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis this is a link exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, this is a link adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et this is a link magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis this is a link exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 

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[[en]]Find us on Instagram & Facebook[[zh]]我們的臉書 (Facebook) 及 IG(Instagram)

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[[en]]Here about palri-ling[zh]]願景 1

In brief.

[[en]]View more[[bo]]ཞིབ་ཏུ་གཟིགས།[[zh]]查看更多

[[en]]Founder [[zh]]願景

about Khenchen Tsulnam rinpoche..

[[en]]View more[[bo]]ཞིབ་ཏུ་གཟིགས།[[zh]]查看更多


To teach meditation  in different communities, hospitals, prisons, schools, and so on.

[[en]]View more[[bo]]ཞིབ་ཏུ་གཟིགས།[[zh]]查看更多


To go on retreats and pilgrimages in sacred places

[[en]]View more[[bo]]ཞིབ་ཏུ་གཟིགས།[[zh]]查看更多

[[en]]Social Service[[zh]]願景 6

To provide financial support and consolation for poor and needy people

[[en]]View more[[bo]]ཞིབ་ཏུ་གཟིགས།[[zh]]查看更多

[[en]]Schol [[zh]]願景

Some words about school here...

[[en]]View more[[bo]]ཞིབ་ཏུ་གཟིགས།[[zh]]查看更多