

You are invited to make a pilgrimage – to the Holy place of    

[[en]]A pilgrimage or a physical journey to a sacred site is believed to help practitioners developspiritually. For Buddhists, these are often associated with the Buddha’s life, teaching, and hisenlightenment. [[zh]]佛教朝聖是指具有佛教信仰的人,包括比丘、比丘尼、優婆塞、優婆夷、佛教信徒以及佛文化的愛好者,到印度去朝聖釋迦牟尼佛一生中出生、生長、出家、成道、轉法、涅槃等地方,進行唸佛、打坐、饒塔、誦經、共修等某種具有佛教儀式的活動。印度的佛教聖地主要有佛教四大聖地、八大靈塔以及佛陀講法的重要道場等。佛教徒認為,佛陀所經歷的這些地方,具有非常加持力的作用,能夠幫助人類消除業障,積累福報,也是一種解脱成佛的重要法門。在佛教中,最原始的朝聖地點是紀念本師釋迦牟尼的四大聖地,即藍毗尼(Lumbini)、菩提伽耶(Bodhgaya)、鹿野苑(Sarnath)及拘屍羅什(Kushinagar)。朝聖

[[en]]For example, the important pilgrimage sites for Buddhists in Nepal and India areLumbini where the Buddha was born, Bodh Gaya where the Buddha is believed to have attainedenlightenment; Sarnath where the Buddha gave his first teachings; and Kushinagar where hedied.[[zh]]前往一處神聖地點朝聖或進行心靈之旅,被認為有助於修行者的修持和證悟。對於佛教徒來說,這些地點通常與佛陀的生平、教導和他的悟道有關。此四處位于尼泊爾和印度主要之朝聖地點略說如下:1)即藍毗尼(Lumbini)- 佛陀的出生地;2)菩提伽耶 (Bodhgaya) - 佛陀達證無上正等正覺之吉祥聖地;3)鹿野苑(Sarnath)/薩爾納特 - 佛陀初轉法輪(亦即初次說法)之聖地;4)及拘屍羅什(Kushinagar)--- 亦即佛陀入滅圓寂之地。

[[en]]We Are happy Guiding you to holy places [[zh]]朝聖計劃即將啟程 -- 您準備好了嗎

[[en]]We are Ready
for your guide to holy place[[zh]]朝聖計劃即將啟程 -- 您準備好了嗎

[[en]]What some of our Dharma FRIENDS have said
about our Pilgrimage[[zh]]關於朝聖之旅之回饋

“ from being just normal to be awesome...”

Israel morris
CEO twitter

“from being just normal to be awesome...”

Thomas Doe
It Consultant

“from being just normal to be awesome...”

Margaret Nova
business OWNER

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