[[en]]“I have shown you the methods that lead to liberation,But you should know that liberation depends upon yourself.”[[zh]]我

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[[en]]Introduction to Palri-Ling[[zh]]般若林

Introduction to Palri-Ling
[[en]]Palri-Ling is a Buddhist organization for humanitarian works. The term “Pal” (dpal) refers to “auspicious and loving-kindness,” “Ri” (ri) refers to the “mountain,” and “Ling” (gling) refers to “many, group, and garden so it refers to the “auspicious mountain or mountain of loving-kindness.” The name Palri-Ling itself has the connotation of “you and me” being together enjoying the celebration in this garden of love and auspiciousness. It also represents the activity and goal of this organization. Our organization is for the benefit of entire sentient beings and to protect this planet by loving-kindness in order to spread happiness and auspiciousness in the world.[[zh]]般若林乃護持正信佛法、弘揚佛陀教育的佛教道場,在孜孜不倦於維護及弘揚佛陀正法的 當兒,也回應世俗世界的諸種需求,以出世的胸懷來奉行入世救濟群生的大悲行願。

[[en]]The activity of the organization is to help support poverty, environmental protection, schools and education, to teach meditation teachings and psychological trainings in the prisons, schools and other communities. It also includes going on pilgrimage and retreats. Thus, it is t25
o preserve, sustain, and promote the traditional Buddhist tenets, study of profound mind trainings, and practice lineage that is rooted back to thousands of years.ds of years.ds of years.ds of years.[[zh]]般若林為大眾及信徒提供了禪修課程、佛法研修/講習班、佛學講座、佛教研討會等等佛法教育活動,以期達到淨化社會人心、啟迪人文關懷、鼓吹慈悲為懷等等之普世道德及價值觀;並也發心在環保方面盡心盡力去保護我們的大地之母及整個地球村!

[[en]]Moreover, the aim of Palri-Ling Buddhist organization is to fulfill everyone’s hope and pray such as to promote traditional science of learning, Buddhist philosophy with the collaboration of modern education,to make the world more peaceful and beautiful, to create ourselves more enlightened and better person as much as we can. Whatever we do is our aim for the welfare of others.What we need is your support and opportunity. Please apply our education, religion, meditation, sincerity, loving-kindness, and spiritual abundance that we have as your necessity.[[zh]]
Palri-Ling Team

Carlos Montes

Sophi Elm

Daniel Burger

Elza Patric

Peter Hansen