[[en]]“All human beings are like members of one family so help each other and be honest.” [[zh]]學

[[en]]Tsu-zhi School[[zh]]智慧光學校

[[en]]Developing kindness and wisdom[[zh]]培養慈悲與智慧
[[en]]Tsulnam Rinpoche met children as young as four years old herding yaks and sheep on the verdant grasslands on his visit to a remote area of Qinghai, Tibet in May 2002.[[zh]]仁波切在青藏高原創辦了慈智學校,擺脫了當地文盲,改變了他們的一生,並長期推動慈善與關愛,以佛法教教育淨化人心、貢獻社會,不遺餘力。
[[en]]Poor nomads in under-developed regions 4,000 meters above sea level live in extreme hardship and survive solely by their animals. Young children help parents with the difficult job of herding and caring for the animals.[[zh]]仁波切於2002年5月訪問了青海西藏的偏遠地區,他遇到了年僅四歲的孩子們,他們正在郁郁蔥蔥的草原上放牧犛牛和羊隻。這些貧困的游牧民生活在海拔4000米以上的欠發達地區,他們的生活條件極為艱苦,必須完全依賴於他們的牲畜來維持生計。年幼的孩子們,必須拖著瘦小的身子,每日辛苦勞累地幫助父母進行一堆如照料和放牧這些動物等等的繁重工作。
[[en]]Tsulnam Rinpoche could not stop thinking about the children he had met. He felt compelled to establish a primary boarding school so that they could have the opportunity to receive basic education in a safe environment. However, first, he had to convince parents to send their children to school. Tsulnam Rinpoche had a one-on-one conversation with each family, he promised the children’s well-being was his foremost interest and spoke of the benefits of receiving a formal and traditional education. The majority of parents embraced the opportunity and rushed to register their children for school.[[z]]慈悲尊貴的仁波切見到此景,當下內心非常的難過,生起了無量的悲心,已是廿一世紀了,這些孩子仍然過著傳統無文化的生活,豈不是浪費寶貴的人生?仁波切秉著行者的慈悲心,希望在當地蓋一所寄宿制的學校,讓這些孩子能安全的住在學校接受正常教育,孩子識字後,可以研讀經書外,也可以擁有一技之長,改善他們日後的生活以及提升當地的文化水平,不需再靠畜牧、撿拾牛糞過日子,於是仁波切決定在最偏遠落後的山腳下的一個部落,是最貧窮無人問津的地方,興建第一所學校,帶動當地的讀書風氣。因為當地是最貧瘠落後的山腳下,所以外地人沒有看到這個貧瘠落後的景象,所以沒有人來幫忙這個地區,家長更不曾有讓孩子受教育的概念,於是尊貴的仁波切,不辭辛勞、跋山涉水,挨家挨戶親自拜訪孩子的父母,告訴他們讓孩子受教育後的好處,經過這些解說後,當地老百姓終於知道讀書對他們後代子孫有莫大的幫助,此消息傳出後,已造成當地居民的轟動,學校排隊登記,希望自己的孩子能夠擠進學校入學,深怕去晚了招生額滿,孩子無法入學,由此可知他們已知道讓孩子學習自立是很重要的。
[[en]]Today, students learn to read and write at Tsu-zhi school. They study Buddhist scriptures, as well as the skills needed in their traditional environs. “Tzu-zhi” (meaning Loving Kindness and Wisdom) School is the first educational institution in the region.[[zh]]今天,學生們在慈智學校學習讀寫。他們學習佛教經典,以及在傳統環境中所需的技能。"慈智"(意為愛與智慧)學校是該地區第一所教育機構。

[[en]]The Buddha teaches us that each and every sentient being could be our loving and compassionate parent in the countless lifetimes. Helping children have a safe and nourishing childhood with a holistic education is one way to repay the love and kindness we have enjoyed. Loving-kindness and compassion do not differentiate in terms of ethnicity, culture, race, and religion.[[zh]]佛陀教導我們,每個有情眾生在無數次生命中都可能是我們慈愛和慈悲的父母。 幫助孩子們擁有安全、豐富的童年和全面的教育,是報答我們所享有的愛和慈悲的一種方式。慈悲和慈愛不會因種族、文化、種族和宗教而有所區別。
[[en]]Your sponsorship of a child or your contribution towards the school will mean immediate positive transformation for the children. We hope you will join us to make this boarding school a great success.[[zh]]您對一名孩子的贊助或對學校的貢獻,將意味著立即為孩子們帶來積極的轉變。我們希望您加入我們,使這所寄宿學校取得巨大成功。
[[en]]The Buddha said[[zh]]佛陀說過:
[[en]]“Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. We experience joy in the actual act of giving something. And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given.” May you experience the great joy of giving![[zh]]「施比受更有福。我們從施的意願中就已經感到喜悅;在實際施與時也感到喜悅;對施的回想中仍感到喜悅。」 - 故此,祝願您們皆能體驗到施的一切喜悅!改變命運的愛與關懷。

[[en]]What some of our students have said about Your help[[zh]]學生們對您的資助之回饋:

[[en]]We Begin each day with a grateful heart, because of your care.[[zh]]因為有您,我們以滿懷感恩的心,快樂起床、幸福開心!
[[en]]My eyes opened because of your support[[zh]]您的慷慨解囊,讓我慧眼大開!