[[en]]KHENPO TSULNAM RINPOCHE[[zh]]堪布慈囊仁波切

[[en]]Khenpo Tsulnam Rinpoche was born in 1967 on the auspicious 10th day of the Tibetan lunar calendar. [[zh]]仁波切於1967年蓮師殊勝日誕生,出生當天出現了一些吉祥的瑞相。
[[en]]He became a monk at the age of thirteen. Rinpoche studied sutra, tantra andshastra diligently for many years under the guidance of the great master Khenpo Karma TsetenRinpoche, Jamgon Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche, Khenchen Pema Tsewang Rinpoche, andKhenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and received innumerable teachings and transmissions frommore than twenty well-known masters of the time.[[zh]]13歲出家便開始修學佛法,在成就者堪布噶瑪策滇仁波切、尊貴的大司徒仁波切、法王如意寶晉美彭措等20多位善知識處數年精勤努力學習顯密佛法,自此成為顯密經論解行具足的大學者,是一位具格的上師,亦完成了許多著作,也是一位作家
[[en]] He completed the three-year retreat at Tashi Chödzong Retreat Center of Shangpa Kagyu Lineage and continues to take retreats in sacred places. Rinpoche studies Theravada Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism and teachings from other schools hoping to communicate, integrate, and unite the teachings of the three primary lineages (Theravada, Mayahana, and Vajrayana) of Buddhism.

[[en]]Rinpoche established the Light of Wisdom School, in Tibet, bringing education into a nomadic community that had no previous educational facilities. He also established the Palri-LingVocational Training School in Yushu creating opportunities for young Tibetans to begin their own enterprises. Rinpoche offers Buddhist teachings and meditation courses and works extensively with children and adults in underserved communities, in prison, and in hospitals in Toronto.[[zh]]在年輕時即經過三年三個月的閉關實修,閒暇之餘喜歡在各聖地閉關和朝聖。熱愛學習研究南、北傳…等各教派之教義,更希望推動三大傳承互相交流融合與團結。仁波切在東、西方國家等世界各地弘揚佛法,並任菩提三乘林等世界各地般若林佛學會的住持,且為現任印度智慧林佛學院院長,講經弘法近20年,培育了許多能弘揚佛法之眾多僧俗人才。

[[en]]In 1999, Rinpoche went to Palpung Sherabling Monastic Seat at the invitation of KentingTai Situpa Rinpoche and served as the principal of the Higher Buddhist Monastic Institute atSherabling. A holder of both Kagyud and Nyinga lineages, Rinpoche has been tirelessly teachingthe Dharma for over twenty years. He has trained many competent tulkus, khenpos, monks, andlay practitioners. Under the guidance of Tai Situ Rinpoche, he established the teaching of rareoral transmissions of Kagyu tantra traditions, the Threefold Profound Inner Meaning,Condensed version of Hevajra Tantra, and Uttaratantra—the Sublime Continuum. [[zh]]1999年,仁波切受邀前往尊聖的慈尊第十二世廣定大司徒仁波切主持的八蚌智慧林佛寺,並擔任了此寺高級佛學院的院長。作為噶舉和寧瑪兩大傳承的持有者,仁波切已經不知疲倦地傳授佛法超過二十年的光景。他培養了許多德能兼備的許多活佛、堪布、僧侶和在家修行者。在大司徒仁波切的指導下,仁波切倡導了噶舉密續傳統的口傳心授教育體系,所傳授之重要密續法本包括了《三甚深內義》、《喜金剛密續略軌》及《究竟一乘寶性論》等等。