

[[en]]This place refers to the residence of the vine king. It means that the Angulimala king used to kill 999 people because he followed the evil teacher. Later, he followed the Buddha, revealed repentance, learned the Dharma, and got the Arahant fruit. It proves that the Dharma can change life and regret it.  Clean karma.  In the Buddhism Dafa Law, a photo of the lonely old man’s house was taken, and the lonely elders were given a lifelong tribute to the lonely garden and the Buddha.  Use it in a meaningful place with the happiness of the elderly.[[zh]]此地為指蔓王的住地,指蔓王過去因為跟隨邪師,殺了九百九十九個人,後來依止佛陀,發露懺悔,學習佛法,得阿羅漢果,證明佛法可以改變人生,懺悔能清淨業力。 在佛教大護法給孤獨長者的房舍故地合影,給孤獨長者終身行持大佈施,貢養祈樹給孤獨園園精舍與佛陀。隨喜長者福報使用在有意義的地方

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