[[en]]the Covid-19,Nepal has been closed for a long time, and many families work part-time on the same day in order to get the daily life needs.Therefore, since the lockdown , Residents are unable to work, and their lives are in trouble. Today, I offer food more than 300 residents and children ,I wish Everyone safe and peace,[[zh]]因為疫情關係尼泊爾已經封城了好一段時日,許多的家庭都是當日打零工,才能獲得一日的生活所需, 因此自封城以來,居民門都無法工作,生活陷入的困頓,今天布施三百多位居民及小孩,讓他們能夠溫飽,也祈疫情請能夠趕快過去,生活恢復穩定平靜。